This is where it all began... 

Everyone has a unique story.  Even more so, artists have a story- a story that bleeds into their art and produces a colorful narrative. This is the story of Gericho.


Gericho was born in Manila, Philippines. Both of his parents were Overseas Filipino Workers, so even though he was born in the Philippines, he didn't grow up there. In search of a better life and future for their young family, his parents migrated them to different cities, countries and continents that included stops in Saudi Arabia and Ireland, before settling in the United States. Upon arriving in the United States, they resided in St. Louis, Missouri before moving west to Long Beach, California.

An avid fan of music, Gericho’s father passed on his love of music to his eldest son to have a productive hobby to occupy his free time.



“I remember singing along to the ‘Sound of Music’ soundtrack, then came Bryan Adams, and of course, you gotta bring in some OPM or Original Philippine Music into the fold.”

Gericho attending Bryan Adams' show at the Irvine Amphitheater in 2015.

Gericho attending Bryan Adams' show at the Irvine Amphitheater in 2015.

His love of music develop from being a hobby into a passion. A passion that made him fit in with the new friends he made along his travels, and helped him stand out from the pack.

“You know, moving around as a kid is difficult. The hardest part of it is developing long lasting friendships. Along with that, is the amount of effort I had to put in to integrate myself into a group that pretty much grew up with each other. Like, I was always the true literal example of  a ‘new kid on the block.’ In a way music helped me assimilate because American music or music from the Western Hemisphere is everywhere. Chances are, if I like Eminem, another kid from Saudi Arabia or Dublin probably listens to Em too! That establishes a common interest between us.”



Aside from his parents, he has credited his travels for his extensive musical knowledge and influence.


“In return, my peers also helped me expand my musical exposure. Going back to the Eminem example, they could suggest artists that are similar to Em that I haven't heard of yet.”

A young Gericho looking into the future

A young Gericho looking into the future


Now in his mid-twenties, Gericho has completed obtaining his degree from California State University, Long Beach in 2015 . He studied Criminology and Sociology, but now has his sights on making a career in music.


The production duo of WorrDMusiK Group

The production duo of WorrDMusiK Group

Since graduating, he has started different ventures in music that includes, collaborating with different local artists, producing with his long time friend Adrian Rendon under the WorrDMusiK Group moniker, as well as starting his own publishing company Castle Note Music, and of course, releasing a full length album and two EPs.


In the summer of 2016, he formed a group called The Guardians- a group of young, talented Long Beach musicians, to be in his band when he plays live.


According to Gericho, music was always a part of his growth as a person. It has aided him in how he formed his opinions and world-views. As he progresses in his musical journey, he hopes to expand more on his outputs- meaning to gather more inspirations and influences, experiment more with lyrical and instrumental content, while still staying true to the message he is trying to convey and the genuine emotions he is trying to express.


“Music is my way of expressing thoughts. Whatever that thought may be. Whatever mood I'm in. It's my way of capturing the moment, and turning it into something new. I’m really no-holds barred when it comes to music.”



“Like, I grew up Catholic and I’m still very active in the church. However, because music is my way of expression, I don't let my religious views and involvement hinder me from writing lyrics a certain way, or producing songs a certain way. It is my self expression. Religion doesn't have to influence that aspect of my life. In the grander scheme of things, it is entertainment. It’s entertainment with a goal and purpose, and that is to unite and bring people together through a common interest, which is music; And I hope one day, it will be my music. I firmly believe that my goal is definitely in line with my Catholic upbringing.”